We worked with Envisage, a mobile engagement solutions and event technologies company, on designing and developing their new responsive experience.
We were asked to create a social community focused on connections people make and the vast amount of photos they take during their travels. The three key focus areas in developing the strategy for the website were to let users of Tripixy relive their trips through the lenses of others, reconnect with people they met along the way and plan their next travel destinations socially.
We worked closely with the team at Envisage on creating an interface that embraced and addressed the limitations of mobile and progressively enhanced the user experience on larger screens and devices.
Donec facilisis tortor ut augue lacinia, at viverra est semper. Sed sapien metus, scelerisque nec pharetra id, tempor a tortor. Pellentesque non dignissim neque. Ut porta viverra est, ut dignissim elit elementum ut. Nunc vel rhoncus nibh, ut tincidunt turpis. Integer ac enim pellentesque, adipiscing metus id, pharetra odio. Donec bibendum nunc sit amet tortor scelerisque luctus et sit amet mauris..
Vestibulum rutrum quam vitae fringilla tincidunt. Suspendisse nec tortor urna. Ut laoreet sodales nisi, quis iaculis nulla iaculis vitae. Donec sagittis faucibus lacus eget blandit. Mauris vitae ultricies metus, at condimentum nulla. Donec quis ornare lacus. Etiam gravida mollis tortor qui.
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent at ex a eros blandit dictum dictum at nibh. Cras venenatis arcu vel velit hendrerit imperdiet ut sed quam.”
John Cammie — Founder, Tripixy